I think Anthony Morris looks the Popes younger brother and better fed .
Or the Pope looks like Anthony Morris with the air taken out.
hey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
I think Anthony Morris looks the Popes younger brother and better fed .
Or the Pope looks like Anthony Morris with the air taken out.
hey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
Amelia Ashton,
Yes who uses words like that? its Watchtower speak you have heard it many many times the words and the way of expressing them are found all the time in the Watchtower.
They will be bringing in a cartoon childrens version of the Watchtower soon exclusively on line.
It will go something like ; Now then children are you being good representatives of Jehovah's Organisation and sitting quietly and still ? if so Jehovah will be very pleased with you. We are going to ask a few questions , first look at the illustration on the screen , can you see all those dead people on the ground and can anyone put their hand up and say why all those milllions and millions of people on earth have been justly killed was it done by a very wicked person or did Jehovah do it ?
Who would like to volunteer to help Mummy and Daddy clear up all that rubbish left on the earth lets see a show of hands from all those who love Jehovah and his earthly organisation.
hey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
New Chapter ,
I totally agree it's like they are manipulating minds for their own agenda . It's like Toy Story the Nightmare or Polar Express stops at a JW house.
hey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
Cedars I am in total agreament with you its the lowest of the low it is actually quite unbelievable .I have said before that the lunatics have taken over the assylum this just goes to prove it.
The Governing Body need to get out more if you ask me they have totally lost the plot with this one.
hey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
Their publications come and go and I think yeah yeah heard it all before and usually just dismiss it but this one reminds of something from the Natzi Party it makes me feel somewhat angry. It's as if they are trying to brainwash kids I am not sure if it's aimed at children or adults , both probably .
You know something else is missing from the DVD it's called love and it lacks humanity.
hey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
Oh my goodness! have they lost the plot completley. it should be renamed DOES JEHOVAH LOVE SPOOKEY EYES OR . HOW TO TRAIN YOUR CHILDREN TO LOOK LIKE A FANATIC.
This DVD is off the scale it needs putting on the shelf marked Shooting youself in the foot .
Crazy crazy I suppose this means Alice in Wonderland is verbotten reading.
the latest august 15th watchtower study edition features an interesting review of the society's annual meeting.. one comment struck me as evidence that the governing body isn't quite as "discreet" as it claims.. here is what the article said:.
"there are plans to develop a 248-acre (100 ha) property at warwick.
'although we are not yet certain of jehovahs will regarding warwick,' said brother pierce, 'we are proceeding to develop the site with the intention of relocating the world headquarters of jehovahs witnesses there.
Where's the burial plot for the future leaders shown on the plans or are they going back to Brooklyn?
the latest august 15th watchtower study edition features an interesting review of the society's annual meeting.. one comment struck me as evidence that the governing body isn't quite as "discreet" as it claims.. here is what the article said:.
"there are plans to develop a 248-acre (100 ha) property at warwick.
'although we are not yet certain of jehovahs will regarding warwick,' said brother pierce, 'we are proceeding to develop the site with the intention of relocating the world headquarters of jehovahs witnesses there.
What they should have added to that statement is " judging by, no show New World, it's a safe bet that things will carry on just the same as they have been doing for the past 100 years so we will just decide amongst ourselves on what to do with the big bucks. "
in our last ca it was said from the platform that the gb has said we shouldn't buy food that is only produced at certain times of the year.
although not specified i imagine they meant turkeys, christmas puddings, easter eggs, hot cross buns etc.
the reasoning that it's attached specifically to pagan festivals.
By the way spotted dick is served with custard in case you fancy any.
I remember when I was a teenager I bought some tiny silver charms which were placed inside the Christmas Pud. as a tradition and I was the only JW in our family when I sat down to eat it I kept expecting any minute to choke to death as a punishment from Jehovah . That was at least fifty years ago and I still love Christmas Pud. especially with brandy sauce.
in our last ca it was said from the platform that the gb has said we shouldn't buy food that is only produced at certain times of the year.
although not specified i imagine they meant turkeys, christmas puddings, easter eggs, hot cross buns etc.
the reasoning that it's attached specifically to pagan festivals.
I don't know if you have Spotted Dick in the USA but the people in my old congregation ate it all the year round.
I think the GBody will have to print a list of food to be aware of Ambrosier Rice Pudding might be off the menu isn't that an ancient mythology name of pagan origin.